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The Ageing Foot Wellness Clinic

The Ageing Process

Ageing starts at birth but the process becomes more significant from the 50s onward. During the course of a lifetime, the foot undergoes a great deal of trauma, use, misuse and neglect.

The various stresses involved in daily activity, the continuous enclosure of the foot and the underlying ‘natural’ degenerative changes that the ageing process imposes will or should attract special attention and care to ensure a person remains mobile and active – to ensure a healthy ageing process.

The most common chronic ageing foot problems

  • Ageing skin – dryness (diminished sebaceous activity), scaling, atrophy, reduced natural hydration causes reduced elasticity and thinness;
  • Toe deformity – clawing, pressure points develop corms and callus, bunions;
  • Reduced circulatory efficiency – impacted by a change in diet, medications;
  • Nail pathology and poor nail maintenance can provide pain and discomfort;
  • Foot pain may result from deformity, poor skin conditions, pressure areas and callus;
  • Arthritic problems (rheumatoid and osteoarthritis) can magnify and make worse natural ageing;
  • Diabetes and other systemic conditions can without correct foot care increase the rate of the ageing process.

The ageing process without care can provide an extra burden

• Increased foot pain which may be avoided;

• Reduced mobility leading to the reduced activity and less exercise;

• Inactivity can lead to issues with balance and falls.

Action to take to reduce the effects of ageing and manage the ageing process

• Discuss with us an “Ageing foot Review”

• Be assessed and obtain a personal ageing foot care plan

• If you feel unsteady, your balance is less stable – have a falls assessment

• Have a footwear assessment and discuss the results as part of your ageing foot care

• Have a biomechanical assessment for the mature foot which may obtain orthotic therapy to aid foot and ankle stability